I find sentiment in everything I own.
That's probably not a particularly profound statement, I admit, but it is an important aspect of who I am. I appreciate the things I have. They have meaning.
In reality, though, it makes me a bit of a hoarder - I can find a justification for keeping anything/everything I value. Sometimes this is a good thing. Sometimes it isn't!
I'm a SUCKER for nostalgia.
Like an old man, I hark back to the good old days when everything was 'better' and more authentic. And this leads me on to my latest purchase - a new 'old' thing.
Despite my aforementioned struggle with sentiment, I reluctantly sold a lens that was gathering dust in order to get a much 'needed' additional camera. I opted for the Fuji X100T - it's old on the outside, with the retro styling of old-skool film cameras, but new on the inside. Yes people, it's digital!
Since the camera arrived I've fallen in love with it, despite only having tested it for about an hour so far on the streets of Leighton Buzzard. Sometimes you just know!
Here are some test shots from my first brief outing...